Connecting the dots through photos… Authored by Michael Surtees


Thinking about my experience at Atomix with Nina, its best to start from the end and work my way to the beginning. The entire meal was so good that I think I could only handle it once a year (ok-maybe twice a year). The attention to details, the narrative and tastes were so enjoyable that I wouldn't want to take it for granted more than once or twice a year. As a place to reflect on the most wonderful year that I had with Nina - there was absolutely no better place to share our first year wedding anniversary.

Looking back through these photos now, it inspires me. There's a lot to learn through the focus and deepful considerations made. Its an incredibly rare experience that shouldn't be taken for granted. With that said that I might only visit downstairs once or twice, their upstairs are is some place that Nina will be back to in a not so distant future.